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Wooden Steps

Your Giving Makes a Difference!

Generosity is a natural side effect of following Jesus.

Generosity is a characteristic of God — it is therefore a natural side effect that Scripture will reshape your life. It’s not just for the wealthy, in fact, there is a story in Scripture where Jesus sees both the very wealthy and an underprivileged woman give.  Here’s how Jesus responds: “I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

When we follow God, we become generous with our time, our love, and our finances. We freely lay down our possessions, for Christ, freely laid down His life!  


Give Toward Care For All 

We believe the local church should be poised and ready to care for people. Your gifts make a difference

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Tithes and Offerings

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BCC Banking Details: Standard Bank Bethlehem / 055033 Cheque Account 040711919

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